Now read before you get upset, I think White supremacy is evil and the people follow them are either pure evil or misguided fools, but I feel the same for Black Lives Matters and Antifa, all these groups are the worst of humanity. What happened in Charlottesville was evil done by a man full of hate for anyone who was not his color or not believing how he believes, he’ll do great in prison he will fit right in and be welcomed as a hero, but if we allow him to be charged as a terrorist all we have done is make him into God Hero, others will follow him and worse murders will be committed and more often. He needs to be charged with murder and the lessor crimes he committed, locked up and forgotten.
We have a problem today, the news and the government seem to only listen to each other, not to the people, the more power we give them the more they make bad choices like this, calling this evil man a terrorist will do what? Lock him up for longer, he is already facing life without parole, all this will do is make people like him on all sides think they can become a terrorist by killing others like he did, they can become famous in prison marked as heroes for their race or cause, others like them will drive more cars into people.
Terrorism the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. This definition needs to be better defined, today we tend to tag people or groups with definitions that can be expanded to encompass other groups of people, this will happen again, if we allow this murderer to become a terrorist, the next person who commits murder will be tagged as a terrorist, until gangs in Chicago who kill each other become terrorists, now this may seem like a good idea, but all it will do is make them feel like they are a real threat they will feel bolder be able to recruit more members.
These groups all of them are dangerous, the only way to fight them is to have the news ignore them don’t battle them, don’t them name them terrorists, in today’s world everyone wants their so called 15 mins of fame, if that is taken away from them but, they are watched by the FBI and police they will fade away less people will join them and over time the ones left will be arrested and jailed. We can’t make them heroes to people like them or disenchanted youth, ignore them news they are not the story of America.