In America and around the World these three companies control 95% of all online conversations in real time. They know when you click on a car, on a toy for your kids, even on something you might want to eat. And they then deliver ads based on those clicks and build a whole profile around them to understand what new things to sell you. They know more about us than we know about ourselves. Their algorithms are so sophisticated that they can predict what we might like 20 years in the future. They can track anyone who says something they disagree with and they quickly block them from their sites to make sure their opinions aren't heard. But what happens when someone who they support, who is their kind of person hard left, creates pages, tweets, searches, that they are planning violence? Nothing. Their algorithms shutdown, maybe they even help them to buy more Guns and Ammo.
But we will never know if they used these services to search or buy anything, because these Tech Giants control the conversations and can delete any posts or searches that might embarrass or implicate them.
All of these companies are public, which means every action they make is open for review. Yes they can still keep their tech secret, but they’re not supposed to hide how they handle the public conversation. The problem is no one is really watching them, they all became big during the Obama Presidency and since they loved him and he loved their adulation, they were never monitored to see how they would control the worlds conversations. Along with the fact that Congress can barely wipe their own ass and 90% of them are older than dirt and have been around in Congress since the Civil War. Most of them have no idea just how big and powerful these companies are.
The time has come and President Trump, you may not know it, but this is something you and Congress need to fix now. When a Killer Terrorist can use Twitter, Facebook, Google and then these companies are able to hide what they’ve done with a simple key stroke, things need to change. Never mind if Russia really used them, this is the peoples lives we are talking about here. Not Hillary or the Democrats feelings, but the lives of the people.