Proof Trump worked with Russia Mueller doesn’t care NOT A CRIME
We were sent copies of emails sent to the special councils office, now these emails were never answered by Robert Mueller’s team, these emails are against Trump, they seem to show that he knew that people working for him did work with Russia and payments were made from Trump companies overseas to Wikileaks and others, and Trump family members facilitated these payments.
These emails did not come from a left winged group or person, they came from someone who works for a conservative group with offices overseas. The details of the emails make me think there might be something here MIGHT they go into details on how payments were made and how they tried to influence voters on social media. The question is why if Mueller is really looking into Russia why has he or his office even replied to one email, the information given has details like nothing that has been presented or at least reported on, is the reason that if this were all true there is nothing illegal about what Trump did? Can a campaign work with foreign people and governments? Were no laws really broken, is the whole Mueller investigation really about Russia or is it a witch hunt trying to find anything on Trump and save Comey. When Comey was fired he hoped it would lead to a special council being appointed, and it was, so far no one in Trump campaign has been charge with anything related to Russia, all charges are either lying to the FBI which anyone can be charged with for anything or Manafort charges that are decades old. Nothing on Russia.
Again I’m not sure that the allegations in these emails to Mueller are true but if they are, was any crime really committed? Have we all been lied to by our DOJ and the news, because if working with Wikileaks and Russia was a crime then why were these persons emails never replied too? And if there was no crime was committed by Trump then why was the special council formed to begin with? We don’t hear Russia in the news much anymore, other then Rep. Adam Schiff we tried to contact his office to ask about these email we got no reply. With evidence being offered and no reply, my guess is there was no crime so there never should have been a special council.
If it Trump Russia is real then Mueller does not care