One of our friends wrote a story here on Medium about Khizr Khan, well the story appears to be all true since no one came out to dispute it. Now this means the Lame Stream Media Children must come out and attack us in groups, lucky we don’t care at all, they can attack make up stories all they want.
The really funny part is we have never been contacted by them, one so called writer sent us a message on Facebook, OK can’t really can’t call it a message from a writer more like a line of a one Joke, he asked in every strong words Do you have evidence that Khan was paid $25K?, not hi, not hello but a very direct dumb question. To answer his question here, the writer of the story tells me that YES she has proof, but since Khizr no longer matters in this election and his son was a true hero, there is no point dragging him down further.
So what will Hillary’s team of writers say about us, have no idea, but since not one of them ever tried to contact us to ask any question about who we are or how we work, the stories will be complete fairy tales. So how do we know they are about to Attack the article got over 25,000 hits over 18,000 reads and not one question other then the fool on Facebook, this means dark forces are coming to attack, the clone army of Hillary Clinton.
Whatever you read laugh it off we will, since we always try to tell you the TRUTH, let the children write and feel good about themselves, lets keep their attention on us so maybe just maybe they are so busy they won’t be able to tear down Trump or anyone else.
Bring it on children do your best Brian Williams impersonations and don’t worry we never take offense, but we do protect our writers, so NO we won’t say who we have inside the DNC or Hillary’s camp, but have fun trying to figure that out on your own HillaryBots. Oh how do we know stories are soon to come out? Inside sources in Hillary’s camp who knows about the feeding of these children writers and their stories.