Orlando is over Now the News Spin begins ISIS will become a back story, Muslim murderer will become a crazy unstable person, the focus will become GUNS ONLY The fact that he was a Democrat will never be mentioned again
From CNN NBC ABC CBS and even Fox news the story will all be about the AR-15 he used to kill 50 people, and somehow the News will come up with an idea that he had become a Republican who hated Gays.
Twitter has already dropped the subject lines from their Trend lines Facebook has started blocking stories though they will never admit it, they are waiting for the Liberal Bloggers to begin a full on blitz attack on GUNS Google has begun to make it hard to get Truthful information on what happened.
The Fact that ISIS has claimed responsibility and seems to be the only honest group that will say what really happened makes me SICK Obama and the News are going to move fast to makes this an issue only about GUNS the rest will become just fantasy.
Its up to every person to stand up and fight OUR News OUR Government from turning this terrorists attack into an attack on the 2nd amendment and on Ourselves. Radical Islam created by Democrats is what happened, the fact that the killer was a Democrat matters, because it shows that the Democrats ideology fosters these type of mass murders, how many other mass killers were Democrats?? From the Democratic attacks in San Jose to the Mass Murder in Orlando, the problem is the same.
Democrats hate and kill we can not let this become a back page forgotten story, we must bring this out LOUD and make sure every American knows it.