Typically cults exploit their members…mostly financially. Within the group, they’ll exploit members financially, psychologically, emotionally and, all too often, sexually.”
“Beware of any kind of pressure. That’s probably the single most important advice I can give anyone. Any kind of pressure to make a quick decision about becoming involved in any intensive kind of activity or organization.” When you look how the Democrats operate you see they attack anyone who does not follow their laws fully, they don’t allow distention in their ranks, if anyone steps out of line, uses a different talking point, they are ostracized treated as evil.
“Be wary of any leader who proclaims him or herself as having special powers or special insight. And, of course, divinity.”
“The group is closed, so in other words, although there may be outside followers, there’s usually an inner circle that follows the leader without question, and that maintains a tremendous amount of secrecy.”
“The group uses deceptive means, typically, to recruit new members, and then once recruited will subject its members to an organized program of thought reform, or what most people refer to as brainwashing.”
“Typically cults also exploit their members…mostly financially. Within the group, they’ll exploit members financially, psychologically, emotionally and, all too often, sexually.”
“A very important aspect of cult is the idea that if you leave the cult, horrible things will happen to you. This is important, and it’s important to realize. That people outside of a cult are potential members, so they’re not looked upon as negatively as people inside the cult who then leave the cult.”