This is the only excuse I can come up with for why the leaders of the world are bending over to Islam, in the last decade, we have seen a major difference on how are world leaders handle such and minor insignificant religion, yes it has a billion followers and yes the middle east is full of oil, but for a thousand years Islam has been a minor problem for the world and today leaders around the world seem very afraid of it, so what happened in the last 10 years or so? The only thing I can come up with is that Space Aliens landed and told our so called leaders that they are Muslims, and instead of standing up to these aliens the leaders of the world have bent the world over.
Now yes Islam in whole is a religion a very screwed up one, but still a religion for the most part, but Islamic Terrorism AKA Muslim Terrorists, are a huge part of this religion, and there is no way around the fact that the two are tied together. So the question comes down to why are all the leaders of the world so scared of Islam? The only reason I can come up with that makes any senses at is that Space Aliens have visited us in the last 10 years and told OUR so called leaders that they are Muslims.
I guess the Planet of Islam has made threats against the Earth, saying if every human being does not worship their leader Mohammad, you know the great and powerful, the one that pictures can’t be made of and no one has any idea what he she or it looked like. OK it can’t be a she so He Goat or It looked like. You know this is making more sense to me now, it’s the only reason any sane human being would subjugate themselves to such an evil miss guided so called religion.
Our only hope Planet Earth is that Christian Aliens arrive soon, and tell our leaders how stupid they are for ever believing Islam is a Religion of Peace.