I just spoke to someone very high up in President Trump’s transition team, and yes a few Washington DC mucky mucks have been told they are not needed right now, but they were never part of the team, they showed up after Mr. Trump won the election, wanting to become part of his administration, they were told their help is not needed right now and a few of these cry babies ran to CNN CBS ABC NBC saying the transition team is in trouble, but the facts are they were never part of it, or know anything about what is going on in Trump Tower.
So here is the TRUTH President Trump had a small team working to win the election all of them were key to him winning and now that Mr. Trump has won he is working with them to help choose the best people to revitalize the country, this is not about moving into the White House its about building a true Government with people who are not the average insiders but people who know how to do their jobs fast and efficient. America knows that the News hates that President Trump won, and they will say or do anything to make him look bad. This game they are playing is designed to feed the masses inside hate groups like Moveon.org and to make them look like they still know what they are doing, when in truth every news organization is struggling to survive since each one of them failed America in being fair and reporting the facts. Today News has an approval rating of around 3% this is less then congress more people believe in Big Foot then trust the News, so take everything they say with a grain of salt, believe only 3% of what they report or better said what they lie about.
The Transition Team is coming along and very fast, the White House Staff will most likely be reduce by 1/3 since President Trump does not need the lackeys President Obama had nor does he want them. Secretary of State looks to be Rudy, there are over 4000 jobs that need to filled and it has been one week the News is now again making more guesses and trying to sell them as facts, this is not NEWS unless they all work for the National Enquirer, which maybe this is what News has become. Hey have their Next Story The Trump administration is being filled by robot space aliens, at least more people will think this is true then the other lies they tell us daily.
Mr. President Elect take your time and make the right choices, one week and the News claiming your in trouble is a joke. America elected you and trusts you, Thank you sir 99% of the country is on your side.