Everyone in America and around the World knows Hillary Clinton lost on November 9th that is everyone other then Hillary. The defeat that Hillary suffered was one of her and the Democratic parties own making, there are some very interesting details to how Jill Stein has raised over $4,500,000 in less then two weeks when over a period of a year she was only able to totally raise $3,509,477 for her run for President.
$3,509,477 Total Spent $3,451,174 Cash on Hand $58,303 Debts $87,740 Date of Report 10/19/16 October 28, 2016
Jill is deeply in debt after the election and no one offered to help her pay her debts, she and her husband have lost nearly half their wealth in the past year and owe more then they can pay back, that was until 10 days ago when Jill got a call from someone high up in Moveon.org and one of Hillary’s Super PAC friends, they helped Jill setup her GoFundMe page and alerted friends in the News CNN NBC ABC to help spread the word, then through there connections raised over $3,000,000 in two days to make sure that Hillary stayed happy.
Now that Jill has the money and has filed in Wisconsin, her debts will be paid off and she will be given $1,000,000 by a friend of Hillary as a long term no interest loan, one that will never be paid off. This is how Washington DC has worked for last few decades and this is how the Main Stream Elites want it to continue to work, Democratic money if it can’t buy votes it can buy actions to halt the people from getting a government that really works for them. There is a problem with this Hillary would have to get recounts and win back 3 states Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania, to reach 270 elector college votes, the chances of that are slim to none, so why is this being done? Everyone other then Hillary knows she lost and understand that there is no chance she would ever win this battle, so why do this? It’s a simple strategy, they want to change the process of how a President is elected move it from the Electoral College where every State has a voice to a pure popular vote where only 4 States would matter and 2 of those New York and California would assure a Republican was never able to win again.
The strategy is if one these States can be shown has a Hillary win then the process of how elections are done can be legally thrown out in the future lawyers and their lawsuits are working on getting this done right now, they will use one State to claim election hacking and that the only way to make elections fair is to move a popular vote thus ensuring that Democrats will never lose again.
The Democrats may have lost over the last three elections and lost the Presidential race with blue states moving away from the Democrats and moving towards America again, but the the Democrats aren't done, if they can show one State was miss counted for any reason they there will be lawsuits upon lawsuits filed and overtime they will win and the popular vote then California New York will from now one choose who are President will be.