This is the arrogance that comes from the Media and Washington DC, they all think they are smarter than all of us. The thing is they live in bubble, the only words they hear are the ones that come out of their own mouths, this isn't brains, what this is pure idiocy. So the Great and Powerful Kristol has made a threat on twitter
@BillKristol Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate — an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance. 1,697 retweets 2,136 likes The problem is when digging into this Tweet by Bill over 1000 of RT and 1800 of the Likes were Paid for OPPS Bill
OK so he and his team of better then us misfits will be launching an independent candidate to take on Donald Trump. Well there is a problem with this, whoever they run can’t get on a ballot in all 50 states, this means that it is not a true run but only a help Hillary Clinton win game. This means that anyone they run Mitt Romney or even Ted Cruz( Hope not really like you Ted) would become nothing more then a laughing stock, why would they do this? In Mitt’s cases he is mad that he got called out for losing in 2012 and has been made to look like a rich fool that no one cares about anymore, in Ted’s case he wanted to be President so bad that he would do anything to try and get the attention of people. Neither of them could win it is just impossible, so why does the Wizard of idiots Bill Kristol even want to try this? He is an old rich man that wants to be relevant again.
The question comes down to how we the American people deal with this, because it appears they are going to try and do it, and every single News Channel, Paper and Blog will run with this and make into a huge deal? Why because they all want Hillary to win. The only response we can to this and still have a fair shot at taking back our White House is make sure that every College Student thinks that whoever they run is a Democrat fighting for them, to give them free College and money for life.
So it looks Like Crazy Bill has given us a reason to start advertising and since he has no idea how to reach out to College Kids, we can take his last ditch effort to make sure Hillary wins and we can use it to make sure that millions upon millions of Democratic voters come out for whoever he runs.
Thank Bill we’d been waiting for a reason to spend our money and it looks like you have given us a reason and an opportunity to make sure Hillary loses and I mean goes down in flames. You are a Great American Idiot Bill and thanks to you, Hillary has no chance now.