Being Black in America

3 min readFeb 16, 2016


Being Black is very hard, we are thought of by many people as just criminals, thugs, drug dealers and thieves, people who when seen, they cross the street to stay away from, is this our fault? in some respects yes but overall we have been taken, sold an idea and way of living that hurts us all. We have been beaten up by the system, taken down to a point where 1 in 15 of us end up in prison, nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population are African Americans; incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of any other race, so how did we get here? Now Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and all the higher ups try to blame Republicans, WHY? Because they are paid to help keep us in line. But the truth is, yes the real truth is that Democrats have done this to us and we have helped them to do it, by supporting them in elections so they hand us some Welfare Food Stamps and cheap housing, along with giving us the worse schools to attend, the worst neighborhoods to live in and the worst murder rates, yes we are killing our own everyday. So how do we change our lives? How do we change our future?

To begin with we have to change who we vote for not just vote for anyone who offers us free stuff, but vote for people who will work with us to rebuild our lives, this means moving away from people like Hillary Clinton and looking at the other side, and asking them to show us that they first understand our problems and second either have solutions and better if they listen to ours, again no free stuff but a chance to build our own business, have schools that really educate our kids and give us a chance to become a real part of America, not on the outside of it as we are now. Because today we live on the outside looking in getting our free stuff our Obama Phones while our kids either go to jail or get killed.

The South Carolina primary is coming up, this is the first State where our vote begins to matter, don’t just go out and Vote for Hillary, if you are a Democrat, go out and vote for Bernie Sanders, show Hillary and the Democratic Party that your Vote Matters, and in November vote for whoever the Republicans nominated, but before you VOTE make sure you know that they will represent you and your family, its time to change how we are treated, to change our lives and our kids futures, the only way we do this, is to change parties and hold them responsible with us to work as one team to give our kids and their kids a better future.




Written by AppSame

A Conservative Political Marketing Firm helping to bring America back to its greatness

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