AppSame is soon to launch a $1,000,000 ad campaign to help end Anti-Semitism in America
AppSame is committing $1,000,000 of its own money to run one of the largest campaigns to fight Anti-Semitism in America. Since the election of President Trump, America has seen a rise in Antisemitic acts across the country that have been largely ignored by the press and quietly praised by people inside the Democratic Party AKA the Squad. People like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and their leader Ocasio Cortez have tweeted, spoken and show daily their pure hatred of people of the Jewish faith, these people were elected under the lies of Trump’s Russian collusion and have now cemented themselves in as leaders of the Democratic Party.
We have always believed that everyone, no matter their race sexual orientation or religion should be treated the same. But today we see the people of the Jewish faith being treated similarly as they were treated in early Nazi Germany. Today we are seeing Billionaires like Micheal Bloomberg stand with the Squad as we saw the NY Times and Time Magazine stand with Hitler in the 1930s. Yes, Mr. Bloomberg, you have $2B dollars to try and defeat the most Pro-Israel President in history, but all you are showing is your hate of the Jewish people by your support of The Democratic Party.
AppSame has over 350,000 twitter followers and over 5,000,000 friends across all social media and emails. We are going to ask all our friends to join us to help defeat Anti-Semitic behavior in America, through a series and Podcast we are producing called “STOP THE HATE”. We hope every American will watch, listen and learn to respect the people of the Jewish faith as much as they themselves want to be respected by others.
There are a few groups working to end Anti-Semitism in America but we are proud to join groups like asap and Mr. Lauder in helping to “STOP THE HATE”
If you would like to help “STOP THE HATE” please email us at NO PRESS INQUIRIES WILL BE REPLIED TO.